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WHSL Academic Staff Guide at the Faculty of Health Sciences: Databases & Websites

Useful information about WHSL and its services and Faculty of Health Sciences for academic staff members

WHSL Clinical Medicine Guides

The following guides have been created for MBBCh and GEMP students, but you may wish to use them yourself, or refer your students to these LibGuides. If you would like to have a specific guide created, please contact Devind Peter

Need a New Teaching or Subject Guide?

E-mail your suggestion or request for a new teaching or resource LibGuide in a subject not already covered to Devind Peter

Finding the Right Database

WHSL is one of many libraries at Wits. You may use material from all libraries, but if you need material relating to the health sciences, we recommend that you start by clicking on the link to the LibGuide featured below. This Guide to the e-resources in health care gives a brief description of what is contained in each database taken by WHSL, and you may even rate particular databases by clicking on the star-rating guide. This helps the WHSL librarians determine what is useful for you in your particular discipline.

WHSL Subject Specific LibGuides

You may want to use any of the LibGuides on specific subjects below. Feel free to embed the URL of any of these subject guides into any e-learning platform as a link to the e-reources at WHSL for your students. If you would like a LibGuide created in your subject area, please e-mail Dr Glenda Myers. 

WHSL Guides to Research

Feel free to use these guides to help your students understand everything from the basic steps involved in conducting biomedical research to how to cite using a specific citation style for a thesis or dissertation. You may embed the link in any teaching and learning module. If you require further assistance in ths regard, please contact Devind Peter.


The following guides have been created for GEMP students, but you may wish to use them yourself, or refer your students to these LibGuides. If you would like to have a specific guide created, please contact Devind Peter.

WHSL Guides for Specific Courses or Groups

The following LibGuides have all been tailored for specific degree course or groups of students.