Because of the decentralised health sciences campus, WHSL has invested substantially in web-based e-books. These books do not require an e-book reader, and are available on the web 24/7. Remote access is enabled by means of the Library PIN. Most e-books at WHSL have simultaneous user licenses, which means that many readers can access the same information at the same time. Many of these books allow mobile access to certain amounts of text. Use of all e-books are still subject to the laws of copyright.
Remember to search the catalogue for print books for your own needs, and before suggesting that WHSL buys material for your students' use, to check whether WHSL already has this material. The print Overnight (Short Loan) collection is being downsized in favour of e-books, as this allows more students the opportunities to use the material for their coursework. The maximum number of print copies WHSL is authorised to purchase is 10 copies of the same book per 200 or more students. e-Books therefore makes both economic and logistical sense in the modern teaching and learning context.
Please enquire about the license that is available for each book before recommending the work to large classes.
WHSL sends out electronic lists of new acquisitions (books, journals and databases) periodically throughout the year. If you would like to be added to this electronic list, please send an e-mail to Tobias Singleton. New print books are displayed at the reception desk and may be borrowed after the display period has ended. See "How to reserve a non-overnight book" for instructions on placing a hold on the new book you want to borrow.
For access to ALL health science related e-books go to the WHSL e-Resources in Health Care Libguide and open the tab headed E-Books (MeSH Headings). e-Books are listed under the relevant Medical Subject Headings, such as Obstetrics, Palliative Care, etc.
Students on NSFAS Financial Aid receive a book bursary through the Financial Aid Office and the Faculty. This scheme is administered by WHSL for second year students upwards. No first year textbooks are administered by WHSL. Students are entitled to borrow print textbooks related to their studies for a year, and must return these books for reuse by other students at the end of the year. No books will be issued without a form from the Financial Aid Office. Contact Mr Devind Peter for more details. Unfortunately no other bursary scheme (eg. from the Dept of Health) is supported in this way.