A Visualization of the Metadata Universe
The sheer number of metadata standards in the cultural heritage sector is overwhelming, and their inter-relationships further complicate the situation.This visual map of the metadata landscape is intended to assist planners with the selection and implementation of metadata standards.(Content: Jenn Riley Design: Devin Becker Work funded by the Indiana University Libraries White Professional Development Award Copyright 2009-2010 Jenn Riley)
Data analysis has two methods which are Qualitative and Quantitative methods of data analysis. According to Kreuger and Neuman, qualitative and quantitative analyzes are similar in four ways. Both involve the following:
•Inference: The use of reasoning to reach a conclusion based on evidence. Striving to avoid errors, false conclusions, and misleading inferences.
•A public method or process: Revealing their study design in some way.Comparison as a central process – identification of patterns or aspects that are similar or different.
We suggest looking at what format, text image, audio or results, spreadsheet the data is in. Then applying the best technique regardless of distinction. We are concerned about what software, what type analysis, statistical test or text content based or science.
Set: Is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. Eg, the numbers 2, 4 and 6 are a distinct object when considered separately, but when they are considered collectively they form a single set of size three, {2,4,6}.
Qualitative Data: Are properties that are observed and can generally not be measured with a numerical result.
Quantitative Data: Is a classification that describes the nature of information within the values assigned to variables.
Variable: Is a logical set of attributes.