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Data Management for Wits: Research Ethics

The following is general advice,data varies hugely between types of research and projects.

Data Mangement and Ethics

Good ethics is good data Management. We call on researchers in planning and managing their research projects to act ethically with data. This is not simply a compliance issue although we remind you that research is still subject potentially to the POPIA act. However, We find that if a research project has an ethics problem that often results in bad data. And bad data management is one of the foremost reasons for ethical problems. Many of these issues are not due to a lack of will but a lack of knowledge or planning. We can help with both. We recommend that even if you are not strictly obliged to, that you apply for ethical clearance. If you do not need entire clearance the committee can still review your proposal. Data management plan as required by the NRF has an Ethics component. We suggest that you use the wits ethics form to guide you in doing your ethics in the DMP.

     Ethics Management System (EMS)

Research Support ,Ethics Committees

Research Ethics: support and contacts

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"The University insists that all its research be conducted following the very highest ethical standards. Research integrity, in general, is a cornerstone."All researchers including staff and students conducting any research for degree and/or publication and for any other reasons need ethics clearance before any research is conducted. If you fail to obtain ethical clearance before the research is started, then this may lead to publications not being published and students will not be in a position to be able to graduate."The University subscribes to the research integrity standards as set out in the Singapore Statement which may be viewed here.

Research Support ,Ethics Committees